Holly Hunter
Personal Training
First and foremost I am a busy mother of three amazing kids Cole, Jake, and Hailee. Over the many years of intense training and dedication, I became a successful softball player and athlete, which lead me to become a Division II athlete, National Champion, All- American and State Champion. Without the positive attitude instilled in me at a young age, a career-ending back injury would have sidelined me not only in sports but also in life. Instead, it made me appreciate how strong the mind & body really can be.
I love anything that is active and take part in local charity runs, obstacle courses, and mud runs. My other passions include kickboxing and strength training. Even after having my third child, I continued to participate in several half-marathons and triathlons. A big part of my day-to-day schedule is that I'm very involved with my children’s’ schooling, sports, and activities. As a parent, I am trying to instill a love for fitness that will help my kids be happy and healthy!
Starting out as a client of Geoffrey Wade (owner of Outlaw) eventually lead me to be a part of the opening of Outlaw Training and Fitness. Each day I strive to be the best fitness coach I can by attending fitness workshops, conventions, and certifications, ISSA certified personal trainer, Certified Training for Warriors Coach, Shakeology/Beachbody Coach, Assistant Head trainer for Cooper Hospital Bariatrics department and Member of IDEA Health and Fitness Association.