Geoff Wade

Owner / Head Coach

Master Sports Performance Coach
Fascial Stretch Specialist
Recovery Specialist    

Be the Lion

I wake up every day with the chance to live my dream. Outlaw Performance and Recovery has been my vision and dream, wanting to bring fitness and a healthy lifestyle to the world and teaching everyone that Health and fitness is a way of life, not just a phase. It’s my job to coach people to be the best version of themselves. Feel better, Move better, Be better. 

Bio: Geoffrey Wade, a Performance and Recovery Specialist. Certified Master Sports Performance Coach and Fascial Stretch Specialist with over 20 years of experience, is the owner and founder of Outlaw Training and Fitness (Outlaw Performance and Recovery) and Bulletproof Stretch and Recovery. Geoff is part of the National Sports Performance Association(NSPA), The Stretch to Win Institute and a proud member of Todd Durkin’s mastermind team. Geoff has worked with NFL, MLB, NBA, College and High School athletes, as well as the general population, aiding and helping with over all fitness, flexibility and recovery to maximize daily goals.